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Cyclosportive. Preparing for and taking part in long-distance cycling challenges

Image of Cyclosportive book cover

Cyclosportive. Preparing for and taking part in long-distance cycling challenges
Sales price £10.00


Cyclosportives are popular all over the world. In this very practical book, Chris Sidwells explains how to choose the right sportive, prepare for it both mentally and physically, and get yourself and your bike to the finish line. Topics include:

- What kind of bike to buy
- How to set up your optimal riding position
- How to care for your bike
- Clothing and equipment
- Skills and techniques
- Mental and physical demands of the event

Whether you're embarking on your first sportive or trying to improve on your performance in the next one, this essential guide will help you reach your goal. Written by an experienced cyclist, trainer and writer and full of information, tips, illustrations and great stories, it's the perfect companion to an unforgettable challenge and has been the guide many cyclists have used to train for these demanding but doable events.

Retail price £17, we are selling it on offer for £10.00 plus P&P.


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